Our qua­li­ty management

Pro­ofed with safety

With us you can be sure

In our re­se­arch and de­ve­lo­p­ment cen­ter, we take a clo­se look at each of our pro­ducts. Th­rough com­pre­hen­si­ve pro­duct tests, che­mi­cal and phy­si­cal in­ves­ti­ga­ti­ons, we stri­ve for con­stant­ly im­pro­ving qua­li­ty and thus en­su­re high-qua­li­ty pro­ducts to your com­ple­te satisfaction. 

Test­ing be­fo­re production

Our raw ma­te­ri­al un­der­goes strict in­co­ming goods in­spec­tions. We check the ma­te­ri­als and ad­di­ti­ves for weight, pu­ri­ty and com­po­si­ti­on, so we en­su­re that only the hig­hest qua­li­ty raw ma­te­ri­als go into our extruders. 

Post pro­duc­tion check

We check not only be­fo­re pro­duc­tion, but also af­ter pro­duc­tion. Among other things, we me­a­su­re the ac­tu­al thic­k­ness of the UV lay­er on the twin-wall sheets. This is how we en­su­re that every sheet that lea­ves our fac­to­ry meets 100% the re­qui­re­ments of the market. 

Pro­gress th­rough research

Our aim is not only to pro­du­ce high-qua­li­ty sheets with con­stant­ly im­pro­ving qua­li­ty, but also to de­ve­lop new, in­no­va­ti­ve pro­ducts. Every day, our high­ly qua­li­fi ed em­ployees re­se­arch how our sheets can be pro­du­ced to be even more dura­ble, break-re­sistant and, abo­ve all, more sus­tainable. In ad­di­ti­on, we are con­stant­ly try­ing out new co­lors and pro­fi les and are al­ways one step ahead of the trend. 

“We can’t do ma­gic, but we can make (al­most) ever­y­thing pos­si­ble for you.”

Dr. Anja Schendzielorz

Head of Re­se­arch & Development


Would you like to learn more about our fac­to­ry
and the pro­duc­tion of pla­s­tic sheets?

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