Our pro­fi­le

Our mis­si­on, vi­si­on & values

SALUX GMBH – who we are and what we stand for

Sa­lux GmbH is one of the lea­ding sup­pli­ers of pla­s­tic sheets on the Ger­man mar­ket and in neigh­bor­ing Eu­ro­pean count­ries. Ba­sed on the foun­da­ti­on of the for­mer VPW Nink GmbH in Sang­erhau­sen, we have been suc­cessful­ly con­ti­nuing pla­s­tic sheet pro­duc­tion sin­ce Sep­tem­ber 1st, 2020 and are using the know-how of our pre­de­ces­sor to pro­du­ce and mar­ket out­stan­ding products. 

The SALUX® brand stands for high-qua­li­ty sheets that are used in a wide va­rie­ty of in­dus­tries and areas.

Our goal is to not only pro­du­ce high-qua­li­ty pla­s­tic sheets of con­ti­nuous­ly im­pro­ving qua­li­ty but to also de­ve­lop new, in­no­va­ti­ve pro­ducts. At our re­se­arch and de­ve­lo­p­ment cent­re we’re al­ways on the hunt for such pro­ducts. This is also whe­re we’re con­stant­ly per­forming qua­li­ty in­spec­tions and pro­duct tests. So we en­su­re every sheet lea­ving our fac­to­ry meets mar­ket re­qui­re­ments 100%. 

Image vi­deo


Qua­li­ty management

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