Ac­cess­ories for PVC sheets

The ide­al addition

SALUX® accessories

In our ran­ge you will find the ide­al ac­cess­ories for pla­s­tic sheets made of PVC. Our SALUX® ridge hood, for ex­am­p­le, can be used mul­ti­func­tion­al­ly and can also be used as a wall con­nec­tion. The SALUX® Dreh­Quick® spa­cers are very well sui­ted for fi­xing sine and tra­pe­zo­idal pro­files on woo­den substructures. 

Ridge caps/
top wall trims

Sa­lux® Dreh­quick®
SALUX® pro­ces­sing instructions

Be­ne­fit from our in­for­ma­ti­on ma­te­ri­al on the cor­rect sto­rage
and pro­ces­sing of SALUX® PVC profiles.

Are you loo­king for advice?

Our sa­les de­part­ment will help you to find the per­fect pro­duct for your requirements.

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