& stock breeding

The right pro­duct for every project.

The right sheets for agri­cul­tu­re & stock breeding

Are you loo­king for the right sheets for your barn or agri­cul­tu­ral buil­ding? Our pla­s­tic sheets made of PVC are the ide­al so­lu­ti­on. The two pro­ducts SALUX® HALLENBAU and SALUX® W are fla­me re­tar­dant, self-extin­gu­is­hing and re­sistant to cor­ro­si­ve va­pours. In ad­di­ti­on, our SALUX® HALLENBAU sheets are sui­ta­ble for the com­mon­ly used hall con­s­truc­tion profiles. 

Re­com­men­ded pro­ducts for your building

Sa­lux® construction
Sa­lux® W
Are you loo­king for advice?

Our sa­les staff will help you to find the per­fect pro­duct for your requirements.

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