Our fac­to­ry

Qua­li­ty made in Germany

Our pro­duc­tion site in Sangerhausen

All sheets of the SALUX® brand ori­gi­na­te in our fac­to­ry in Sang­erhau­sen. On a to­tal of five pro­duc­tion li­nes, we pro­du­ce si­nu­so­idal, tra­pe­zo­idal, cor­ru­ga­ted and ho­ney­comb sheets made of PVC and mul­ti-wall sheets made of po­ly­car­bo­na­te, which we sell in Ger­ma­ny and neigh­bor­ing Eu­ro­pean count­ries un­der the SALUX® brand. Our dif­fe­rent coa­tings, co­lors and shapes en­su­re a di­ver­se ran­ge of pro­ducts and count­less are­as of application. 


The pro­duc­tion hall for po­ly­car­bo­na­te twin-wall sheets, which was new­ly built in 2017, has an ap­prox. 45 m long pro­duc­tion line. Two ap­prox. 16 m high si­los with a to­tal ca­pa­ci­ty of 120 tons of po­ly­car­bo­na­te gra­nu­la­te con­stant­ly sup­p­ly the pro­duc­tion plant with raw material. 


On the four pro­duc­tion li­nes in the PVC hall, we pro­du­ce si­nu­so­idal, tra­pe­zo­idal and ho­ney­comb sheets made of po­ly­vi­nyl­chlo­ri­de in a wide va­rie­ty of thic­k­nes­ses and co­lors. Four si­los sup­p­ly the sys­tems with high-qua­li­ty PVC pow­der and va­rious additives. 

Pro­duc­tion of PC-sheets
Pro­duc­tion of PVC-sheets


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