PVC – Polyvinylchloride

Fle­xi­ble & versatile

PVC sheets – al­ways a good idea

PVC sheets (po­ly­vi­nyl­chlo­ri­de) be­long to the group of ther­mo­pla­s­tics and have very good che­mi­cal re­sis­tance. Our PVC sheets are made of so­lid ma­te­ri­al wi­t­hout pla­s­ti­ci­zers and are available in many co­lors and thicknesses. 

Our PVC-pro­ducts
Sa­lux® Prisma
Sa­lux® Strong
Sa­lux® W

Sa­lux® construction

Sa­lux® Metallic

Sa­lux® WS-Premium

Sa­lux® WS
Sa­lux® WBS


Are you loo­king for advice?

Our sa­les de­part­ment will help you to find the per­fect pro­duct for your requirements.

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