Shel­ter & roofing

The right pro­duct for every project.

The right sheets for your shelter

It doesn‘t mat­ter which ob­jects you want to pro­tect from wind and wea­ther with your shel­ter, our pla­s­tic sheets com­ple­ment your shel­ter as the ide­al roof co­ve­ring. Ho­we­ver, the fol­lo­wing prin­ci­ple ap­pli­es: The hig­her the qua­li­ty of the ob­ject, the hig­her the qua­li­ty of the sheets should be. The­r­e­fo­re, we of­fer our pla­s­tic sheets with dif­fe­rent heat re­sis­tance, hail re­sis­tance and light transmission. 

Re­com­men­ded pro­ducts for your shelter

Twin-wall sheets
Sa­lux® Prisma
Sa­lux® Strong
Sa­lux® W

Sa­lux® Metallic

Sa­lux® WS-Premium

Sa­lux® WS
Sa­lux® WBS
Are you loo­king for advice?

Our sa­les staff will help you to find the per­fect pro­duct for your requirements.

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