SALUX® WS Pre­mi­um

The Sa­lux® WS – advanced

SALUX® WS Pre­mi­um

SALUX® WS-Pre­mi­um tra­pe­zo­id sheets are made from high-qua­li­ty pla­s­tics. Using a com­plex pro­duc­tion pro­cess, two lay­ers are per­ma­nent­ly bond­ed to com­bi­ne op­ti­mal pro­duct pro­per­ties. Their mo­dern sur­face struc­tu­re make them high­ly wea­ther-pro­of and UV re­sistant, are di­men­sio­nal­ly sta­ble up to 84°C and fea­ture easy installation. 


Z High wea­ther re­sis­tance
Z High di­men­sio­nal sta­bi­li­ty un­der heat (up to 84°C)
Z Wa­ter-re­pel­lent
Z Hail tes­ted
Z Sound and heat in­su­la­ting
Z Easy to install

Tech­ni­cal specifications

all di­men­si­ons in mm

Pro­fi­le 70/18
Width in mm 900 or 1090
Length in mm 1100 to 6000
Type 1.2 – 1.5


All de­cla­ra­ti­ons of per­for­mance, tech­ni­cal data sheets, war­ran­ty con­di­ti­ons and sto­rage and in­stal­la­ti­on in­for­ma­ti­on can be found on the down­loads page.


Moss green
Brick red
Alu­mi­ni­um grey

Un­der­si­te: black

High­ly heat re­sistant
up to 84°C

Pos­si­ble applications


Are you loo­king for advice?

Our sa­les de­part­ment will help you to find the per­fect pro­duct for your requirements.

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